|Posted on: 2007-06-26|

网络真的很神奇!就在我昨天發了一篇名為柏林的日志後不久,文中提到的意大利知名攝影師西蒙尼-薩巴帕迪(Simone Sbarbati)竟然找到了我的博客而且還留了言,足令我驚異地無話可說。我納悶了:他是如何找到這個地方的呢?思前想后,故事可能是這樣的:西蒙尼昨天閑來無事兒,在搜索引擎當中輸入自己的名字,結果發現了一位中國的博客提到了他,很自然地他點開了那個鏈接。我的博客被收錄得很快! 😆 用Google 搜索選擇中文網頁,這篇日志排在第二(如果選擇中國網頁,排第一)不知道這位老兄會不會用百度,如果是的話,也排在第一。

我是在一本線上電子雜志看到的西蒙尼的部分作品,沒有更多的介紹。我只知道他酷愛柏林,作品多以黑色呈現。該日志的文字介紹其實我根據這些圖片描繪出自己的感受,也不知道符不符合作品的主旨。西蒙尼給我留言以后,對我竟是一種考試。如果自己一點都闡釋不出其作品的意蘊,那顯然就很丟臉了。 🙁 自我感覺還表現地可以,各位感興趣的話請參見該日志後我的英文描述。


估計各位和我差不多,引用一般圖片(我理解為普通尋常的,沒有專業價值,不會用于商業目的)的時候也懶得去給出原鏈接,畢竟這太麻煩了。不過引用專業圖片(比如攝影作品)的時候最好還是給出鏈接,瀏覽西蒙尼的官網你可以發現他的版權說明:You cannot use contents without author’s explicit permission. 當然我不是在他的官網上找到的這些圖片,那時我也不知道他的官網。西蒙尼對于一個遠在萬水千山的中國博客介紹到他的作品,且不用于商業目的,自然也是開心的。 😛

最后還要再次感謝西蒙尼(Simone Sbarbati)的到訪,我這里要旗幟鮮明地幫他打打廣告(想起為不少人詬病的話題廣告了 💡 ):Welcome to Mr. Simone Sbarbati’s website and you can get more than you want! http://www.simonesbarbati.com/home.htm [別忘了如果要引用他的圖片請事先獲得作者的許可]

以下是他的英文簡介:About this artist

Simone Sbabarti lives and works in Bologna, Italy. After studying cinema at University, he found photography to be his definitive passion and began experimenting with a Nikon FM, eventually switching to digital (Sigma SD-9). An active collaborator of artzines, Simone and his girlfriend Ethel work together on a webzine for Italian young artists. Additionally, he collaborates with 300dpi studio, a creative agency based in Rome, Braintwisting, an italian portal about digital art and with Frattura Scomposta, and as a writer for an italian pdf magazine.

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6 Comments so far...
一晨 | 06/26/2007

的确不可思议!你有当艺术青年的潜质,看你那段长长的英文 😎

彭雷 | 06/26/2007



Simone Sbarbati | 06/26/2007

Dear Scottie,
you can publish my photos here if you want. You have my permission.
I haven’t wrote to you to take off my photos but just to say you ‘thank you!’

scottie | 06/26/2007

dear simone,
u misunderstood me. 😥 of course the reason is simple- u don’t know Chinese. (maybe i should establish an English blog one day 💡 ) I wrote this article to show my respect for u- an artistic genius from Italy (i love art ) and my pleasant surprise. even so far i’ve not been able to imagine how u found my blog! 🙂

i also called on others to respect the intellectual property. if they wanna publish ur photos at their websites or blogs, they must get ur permission at the very beginning.

and also in this article, finally, i gave a brief introdution to u, wishing more potential reading public could visit ur website. actually i ‘ve become one of ur fans.

again millions of thanks. ur photos are breathtaking.

Socrates | 06/26/2007

very impressive

bear | 07/05/2007

[Comment ID #344 Will Be Quoted Here]
it’s cool1986

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