|Posted on: 2007-06-25|


注:西蒙尼-薩巴帕迪(Simone Sbarbati 為德國知名攝影家);文字內容為筆者自行添加。

ps: 非常羨慕那些能拍出精美圖片的朋友(比如美好藥店Luftbaby),配上感性的文字,總能讓浮躁的心安靜下來。

Correction: Mr. Simone Sbarbati is an internationally  famous photographer from Italy.

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9 Comments so far...
bt | 06/25/2007


ckey | 06/25/2007

:mrgreen: 博主去柏林?好美的地方,真希望有机会去玩一趟!

scottie | 06/25/2007



Miss Strangelove | 06/25/2007


Simone Sbarbati | 06/26/2007

Many thanks for featuring my photos on your blog even if I unfortunately could not understand so much of what you’ve written.
Just a correction: I’m Italian and not German.

scottie | 06/26/2007

WOW, this is incredible! I mean your visiting here. How? 😆 I just happened to find some of your photos from an online magzine.

I wonder if i am sapiential enough to interpret these amazing and profound photos. It seems that these images carry a dark and insular mood, whose edges are often lost to a background of black. And they tend to convey a strong feeling or unforgettable memory. Becuase everything has got a meaningful story. Strangely you are an Italian but not a German. I ask myself why you developed a special interest in Berlin, not your hometown?

Maybe these scenes, in some way, provoke your deep passion for Berlin, a metropolis with vivid expressions of the archeticture and a rather pervasive mood of perssimism. Are you trying to depicting the vicissitudes of this big city, history mixed with modernity? Meanwhile your readers, including me, are drawn in through into the murky visions of Berlin. The story-telling never comes an end and you are sure to see that we have become your loyal listeners… 😎

Thanks again for your visiting my blog. I can’t imagine a celebrity like you would leave me a message. You really gave me a pleasant surprise.

evacuee | 06/26/2007


彭雷 | 06/26/2007


Shn | 06/26/2007

运气真好啊~ 😎

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